Gardi, Haught, Fischer & Bhosale LTD.
Business Dispute Litigation Attorneys

Business Fraud Services


Schaumburg Business Fraud Attorneys

Top-Rated Business Fraud Attorneys Ready to Protect Your Interests

Business fraud can impact almost anyone, from business owners and professionals to consumers. Breaches of contract or warranty, false representations, and nearly any other transactional fraud fall under “business fraud.” Our Business Fraud Attorneys team represents plaintiffs and defendants in business fraud litigation. Our Schaumburg Business Fraud Attorneys carefully review the facts and legal theories and work to expose acts of fraud to provide diligent and aggressive representation for our clients.

Forms of Business Fraud

Business fraud may occur in any type of business or commercial transaction:

Business-to-Business: One business may commit fraud or misrepresent material facts in a negotiation or transaction with another business. This could include routine transactions, such as a vendor-to-customer relationship, or special transactions, such as the sale or merger of a business.

Business-to-Consumer: A business may breach warranties or make false representations in a transaction with a consumer, or a consumer may defraud a business. An extensive body of law governs allegedly fraudulent and deceptive practices that victimize consumers, but businesses can also be the victims of consumer-driven scams.
Consumer-to-Consumer: Individuals engaged in financial or commercial transactions may commit fraudulent acts, such as selling residential real estate or goods like automobiles.

Business Fraud Examples

Most examples of business fraud could occur in any of the transactions described above. Consumers often have more specific protections under the law, so businesses must often rely on common-law claims such as breach of contract.

Some examples of business fraud include:

  • Consumer fraud, particularly alleged violations of deceptive trade practice statutes.
  • Breach of contract.
  • Breach of express or implied warranty.
  • Fraud in the sale of a business or franchise.
  • Investment fraud, such as misrepresentations regarding the financial projections for an investment.
  • Financial fraud, including conversion or misappropriation of funds, forgery, or various forms of wire fraud.
  • Disputes between business partners in informal, formal, or joint ventures.
  • Disputes among shareholders in a closely held or family corporation.
  • Disputes among members in a limited liability company.
  • Fraudulent advertising and marketing schemes.
  • False representations about goods or services offered for sale.
  • Mortgage fraud, such as fraudulent or deceptive offers to refinance or service a mortgage.
  • Real estate fraud, including false representations regarding ownership of real property and failure to disclose known defects in the title or physical condition of real property.

Our Business Fraud Experience and Approach

Serving clients in Schaumburg and beyond, our Business Fraud Attorneys conduct a meticulous review of the facts of each case to find critical evidence and winning theories of recovery. This approach has yielded powerful results in many of our cases. We retain the services of certified fraud examiners, business appraisers, forensic accountants, and other experts in the field of fraud investigation. These experts root out fraud, locate missing assets, and build the evidence to provide our clients with the most effective and comprehensive protection possible.

Gardi, Haught, Fischer & Bhosale LTD’s Schaumburg Business Fraud Attorneys represent clients throughout Illinois, including the Schaumburg area and Cook County. To schedule a consultation with a Business Fraud Attorney in Schaumburg, contact us via the form below or at (847) 944-9400.

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What Sets Our Firm Apart?

Reasons to hire gardi, haught, fischer & Bhosale ltd.

Our Strategy

Our Business Fraud Attorneys employ innovative and aggressive strategies to protect our clients’ interests and achieve their desired outcomes.

Our Resources

Our Business Fraud Attorneys resources provide comprehensive legal support and expert guidance to help businesses prevent, detect, and respond to fraud.

Our Availability

Our Business Fraud Attorneys are available 24/7 to provide timely assistance and support to clients, ensuring that their legal needs are met whenever they arise.


Our dedicated team of business fraud attorneys provides legal representation in multiple languages, including Spanish (Hablamos Español), Polish (Mowimy Po Polsku), and Gujarati (Āpaṇē gujarātī bōlī’ē chī’ē).

Our Experience

With decades of collective experience, our Business Fraud Attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to handle even the most complex fraud cases, providing clients with the best possible legal representation.


Our accomplished team of business fraud attorneys has garnered numerous 5-star Google reviews, reflecting the high level of satisfaction our clients have experienced with our legal services.

Hear From Our Past Clients

Client Success Stories


"I couldn’t be more grateful for the help and care I received from this firm. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking for help for personal injury!"

RE/MAX – Tim Winfrey

"Honestly, Couldn't Have Asked For Better Representation."

IL/Willowbrook – Shawn G.

"Honestly, Couldn't Have Asked For Better Representation."

IL/Willowbrook – Shawn G.

"Honestly, Couldn't Have Asked For Better Representation."

IL/Willowbrook – Shawn G.

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